How to improve android application performance and stability to go long way?

Nowadays android application development is at the top of technologies. Many of the people are using an android phone. So, in this case as an android developer, we need to take care many things while developing an android application. An Android application should be faster, stable and less memory uses for best in a result. […]

Understanding android Messenger and AIDL of Concurrency API

Now we got one more day to learn something new about the Service, Ok let’s make today something awesome to learn more about the service of concurrency API. In my last article, we understand about the Concurrency API of Service and Intent Service and Bound Service. In this article, we will learn about service which uses the […]

Understanding Service, IntentService and BindService of android

Service is the most important component in android. Service is running in background It means that it does not have the user interface. It is an independent of activity means it does not matter if an activity is running or destroyed, service always running in the background. Service is used for long background task it […]

Filter recyclerview items in between the range of numbers in android

In Android, recyclerview is majorly used component to show the item list data into recyclerview. Showing the list of data from a database or an API is pretty easy. But I am not going into the deep concept how we are using the recyclerview to show the data from API or database. In this tutorial, […]

LiveData and LifeCycle Component in Android Architecture

In this tutorial, we will learn the new architecture component LiveData and LifeCycle in detail. In my last tutorial, we had familiar with new Dagger2 integration with android architecture component. I would be recommended to check this post that will help you to understand the New Dagger2 dependency injection concept. Here is the post detail New Dagger2 dependency injection […]

Android Filter Recyclerview by using SearchView in ToolBar or actionbar

In this tutorial, we will learn how can we filter the recyclerview item by using the Search view in toolbar or action bar? Recyclerview is the major used component in building the android application. And if the data is very huge then we can not find the specific item by scroll. So we need to […]

New Dagger2 Integration with Android Architecture component

In my last tutorial, we had functioned with Dagger2 in android application development. Dagger 2 is an awesome dependency injection library which provides the alternative way of Object instantiation. I already explained what is Dagger2 and why we are using this in android application development and what are the benefits of using this? Here is the detail […]

Android API request easy with Fuel library in Kotlin

In this tutorial, we will learn new networking support library named Fuel. As we have already used some of the famous libraries named Retrofit, Volley and Fast networking Library. Retrofit has mostly used the library in application development which is given by square. It supports and compatible with Java, Kotlin, and RxJava2 Reactive. Here you […]

Android Room Persistence Library Sqlite Mapper with Kotlin

In this tutorial, we will learn step by step to use the Android Room a persistence SQLite ORM mapper. As we have already practiced in my last tutorial with GreenDAO which is SQLite wrapper for fast ORM. I would be recommended to checking this post Exploring GreenDAO ORM database with Reactive RxJava. Google I/O 2017 has introduced […]

MVP architectural design pattern with reactive Rx in android

This article is a step-by-step introduction to MVP on Android, from a simplest possible example to best practices. The very first question comes in every developer is that what is MVP? What is MVP: MVP stands for Model View Presenter. Let’s see what is meant of each aspect? View: View is a layer that displays data […]

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