Understanding the conditional Statement and Loop of python

From my last tutorial, we have a good basic understanding of python for example How to install to get started, how to declare the variables and what are the data types are available in python. I recommended checking the last tutorial for better understanding. Here are the links Introduction to python to get started, Variables declaration […]

Exploring Data Types of python

As we practiced the python installation and get to started to used python in development and we understood the variable declaration in python in my last article. If you have not checked till now then I would be recommended to check my last articles, Here are the link Installation and uses of python and Variable declaration of […]

Variables declaration and their uses in python development

In my last tutorial, we have familiar with the python introduction to a quick start for development. We have learned how to install the python and set the python environment for all platform. If you not checked then I would be recommended to check this tutorial first for better understanding. Here is the link to the introduction […]

Introduction of python and get started to learn basic’s of python

Python is a powerful modern computer programming language. Python is the great language and most popular nowadays. Python today stands amongst the top 5 most popular and practical programming languages. In technical terms, Python is an object-oriented, high-level programming language, object-oriented, interactive, interpreted and extremely user-friendly programming language. By official introduction to Python is: Python is […]

Best plugins for android studio to make application development superfast

Become an Android developer, you always love the Plugins to use to make the android development easier and faster. Android Studio provides the awesome feature for android developer to connect with your favorite plugins. So in this tutorial, we will learn some of the best plugins that need to install to every android developer to develop the android apps […]

Firebase User Phone Authentication verification by otp in Android

As in my last tutorial, we understand the basic firebase concept like What is Firebase and How to use the Firebase features in our application? So I am not going into detail here about the basic understanding about the Firebase. To Use any feature of firebase we need to follow few basic simple steps to register my […]

Understanding RxJava & RxAndroid Scheduler thread in Android

RxJava is the something like awesome when start using this feature in an Android application. In this article, we will talk about the RxJava scheduler or thread to use to build an awesome android application.  When we are talking about the multiple threads is good things to use for multiple background task. But same time you always […]

Android MVVM architectural design pattern with RxJava in Kotlin

To build an awesome android application, Architectural design pattern plays an important role. It makes our code modular and communication with different components becomes easy. By using Architectural design we can build an application which can be testable and maintainable easy in the future or whenever we want to add a new feature or remove a feature, it will […]

Load Image url on ImageView by using data binding with Picasso in Kotlin

While building the android app by using the MVVM architecture design pattern with Kotlin, I faced many of issue for example data binding and ViewModel communication etc. I am sharing one of the issues which I faced to load image URL on image view with help of Picasso. I thought It would be worth to share with […]

Understanding the launch mode of Activity in Android

Launch mode of activity is playing an important role to maintain the task and back stack. Before to explain the launch mode we need to first understand what is the task and back stack? Task A task is a “stack of Activities” in your application. If an Activity is sent to the background (by pressing the […]

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