Understanding Java 8 Stream and RxJava2 Observable in Android
In my last tutorial, I have described some of the superior features added in java version 8. In this tutorial, we will learn how RxJava-2 Observable is strongly following Java Stream. I would be recommended to check this post-Java 8 features to start using in android
Before learning Rx Observable in Android we need to understand Java Stream because Java is core programming to building an android app and the perspective of the concept is exactly same as Rx Observable. Awesome Let’s start to understand Rx Observable but before first thing, we need to know what is Stream in Java?
“Everything is a stream.”
If we talk about Stream in common language it means a continuous flow of data or instructions, typically one having a constant or predictable rate or in another word transmit or receive (data, especially video and audio material) over the Internet as a steady, continuous flow. From the definition it clear that a continuous flow of liquid, air, or gas is called stream.
Yes, an exactly same meaning of Java Stream also. Let me define it in the technical term, A class that supports function style operation on a stream of elements like Filter, Map, sorted etc. Ohh sounds not understand right here Ok. But I am sure guaranteed that end of the tutorial you will able to get to know the thing clear.
Let me explain this with an example in the technical term what is Java Stream and Rx Observable that how we can use in general programming? Let’s say I have a list of devices and I want to iterate and print the list of elements by using Java Stream and Rx Observable.
Java Stream
List<String> versionList = Arrays.asList("Marshmallow", "Lolipop", "Kitkat", "Jelly Bean"); versionList.stream() .forEach(s-> System.out.print(s));
Rx Observable
List<String> versionList = Arrays.asList("Marshmallow", "Lolipop", "Kitkat", "Jelly Bean"); Observable.fromIterable(versionList) .forEach(s-> Log.i("TAG",s)); // Android
If we look into above both programmings, it’s clear that concept is almost matching.
Now Let me take an another example which is used in daily programming which I am taking from my last post. Suppose I have a list of mobile devices of the different platform like android and ios of different -2 versions. In which some of the devices have defected and some are not. But I am not sure which are not defect.
So basically I want those devices which have not defected and have platform android version 6. So let’s check how we can use stream concept here to filter and map by using Rx Observable. I explained in my the last post that how to identify the devices have not defected and android version 6? Here I need to use Predicate function of Java 8. I hoping you understand the Predicate meaning from the last post. But here I don’t use Java 8 stream. Now I want to use Predicate of the RxJava2 feature.
public static Predicate<MobileDevices> isAndroidVersion6() { return p -> p.getVersion() == 6 && p.getPlatform().equalsIgnoreCase("Android") && ! p.isDefect(); }
Now I need to filter devices with this predicated devices from a list of devices by using RxJava.
public static List<MobileDevices> filterMobileDevices (List<MobileDevices> mobileDevices, Predicate<MobileDevices> predicate) { List<MobileDevices> mobileDevicesList = new ArrayList<>(); Observable.fromIterable(mobileDevices).filter(predicate ).forEach(new Consumer<MobileDevices>() { @Override public void accept(@NonNull MobileDevices mobileDevices) throws Exception { mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevices); } }); return mobileDevicesList; }
Now I want to call this method and iterate to check that filtered list is exactly same as I was expecting.
List<TestRxJava.MobileDevices> mobileDevicesList = TestRxJava.generateDevices(); List<TestRxJava.MobileDevices> mobileDevicesListAndroid = TestRxJava.getNotDefectedAndroidVersion6Devices(mobileDevicesList); Observable.fromIterable(mobileDevicesListAndroid).forEach(new Consumer<TestRxJava.MobileDevices>() { @Override public void accept(@NonNull TestRxJava.MobileDevices mobileDevices) throws Exception { String deviceName = mobileDevices.getDeviceName(); Log.v("Android", deviceName); } });
Here is the result:
Android: Samsung
Android: LG
Android: Micromax
Great 🙂 Awesome Rx Java and Rx Android. Great Thanks to Java 8 Stream.
Here is all code one place.
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import io.reactivex.Observable; import io.reactivex.annotations.NonNull; import io.reactivex.functions.Consumer; import io.reactivex.functions.Predicate; /** * Created by sunil on 30-04-2017. */ public class TestRxJava { private static List<MobileDevices> mobileDevicesList; public static List<MobileDevices> generateDevices(){ mobileDevicesList = new ArrayList<>(); mobileDevicesList.clear(); MobileDevices mobileDevice1 = new MobileDevices("Google Pixel", "Android", 6, true); MobileDevices mobileDevice2 = new MobileDevices("Samsung", "Android", 6, false); MobileDevices mobileDevice3 = new MobileDevices("Motorola", "Android", 5, false); MobileDevices mobileDevice4 = new MobileDevices("IPhone", "ios", 5, false); MobileDevices mobileDevice5 = new MobileDevices("LG", "Android", 6, false); MobileDevices mobileDevice6 = new MobileDevices("Lenevo", "Android", 6, true); MobileDevices mobileDevice7 = new MobileDevices("Micromax", "Android", 6, false); MobileDevices mobileDevice8 = new MobileDevices("Iphone", "ios", 6, false); mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevice1); mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevice2); mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevice3); mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevice4); mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevice5); mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevice6); mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevice7); mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevice8); return mobileDevicesList; } public static List<MobileDevices> getNotDefectedAndroidVersion6Devices(List<MobileDevices> mobileDevices){ Predicate<MobileDevices> mobileDevicesPredicate = isAndroidVersion6(); return filterMobileDevices(mobileDevices, mobileDevicesPredicate); } public static Predicate<MobileDevices> isAndroidVersion6() { return p -> p.getVersion() == 6 && p.getPlatform().equalsIgnoreCase("Android") && ! p.isDefect(); } public static List<MobileDevices> filterMobileDevices (List<MobileDevices> mobileDevices, Predicate<MobileDevices> predicate) { List<MobileDevices> mobileDevicesList = new ArrayList<>(); Observable.fromIterable(mobileDevices).filter(predicate ).forEach(new Consumer<MobileDevices>() { @Override public void accept(@NonNull MobileDevices mobileDevices) throws Exception { mobileDevicesList.add(mobileDevices); } }); return mobileDevicesList; } public static class MobileDevices{ private String deviceName; private String platform; private int version; private boolean isDefect; public MobileDevices(String deviceName, String platform, int version, boolean isDefect) { this.deviceName = deviceName; this.platform = platform; this.version = version; this.isDefect = isDefect; } public String getDeviceName() { return deviceName; } public String getPlatform() { return platform; } public int getVersion() { return version; } public boolean isDefect() { return isDefect; } } }
and calling this function in the Main function.
List<TestRxJava.MobileDevices> mobileDevicesList = TestRxJava.generateDevices(); List<TestRxJava.MobileDevices> mobileDevicesListAndroid = TestRxJava.getNotDefectedAndroidVersion6Devices(mobileDevicesList); Observable.fromIterable(mobileDevicesListAndroid).forEach(new Consumer<TestRxJava.MobileDevices>() { @Override public void accept(@NonNull TestRxJava.MobileDevices mobileDevices) throws Exception { String deviceName = mobileDevices.getDeviceName(); Log.v("Android", deviceName); } });
Awesome. Loved it (Rx Observable). I would say everyone should start using Stream concept.
Please do subscribe to the next post. Enjoy this post 🙂
I am a very enthusiastic Android developer to build solid Android apps. I have a keen interest in developing for Android and have published apps to the Google Play Store. I always open to learning new technologies. For any help drop us a line anytime at contact@mobologicplus.com
[…] Greate. Awesome Java 8 feature. In my next tutorial, we will learn understanding Java 8 stream and Rx Observable in Rxjava2 in RxAndroid. Here is the link to click. […]