Author : Sunil Gupta

I am a very enthusiastic Android developer to build solid Android apps. I have a keen interest in developing for Android and have published apps to the Google Play Store. I always open to learning new technologies. For any help drop us a line anytime at

Exploring GreenDAO ORM database with Reactive RxJava in Android

As we have the basic understanding of RxJava features and functions from my last posts. I would be recommended that checking the all the post of Rx to better understanding this post. Here are some of the posts of understanding of Java 8 stream and Rx Observables, and basic understanding and practice features and functions of RxJava, and […]

Understanding Runtime permission and RxPermission of RxJava in Android part -3

As We have the basic understanding of RxJava features and function from the last post of basic of RxJava and RxJava2 Part-1 and basic of RxJava and RxBinding part-2. Rx is getting popular in Android application development because it gives the best result of reactive nature. In this series, we will learn some of new […]

Understanding and practice of RxJava & RxBinding of Android part -2

In my last tutorial, I have explained the basic functions and features of RxJava2. I would be recommended to check part -1 post before continue reading this post because it will help you to better understand this post. Here is my last post of  Basic understanding and practice of RxJava2 function in Android part -1. We […]

Basic understanding and practice of RxJava2 functions in Android part -1

No Doubt RxJava is getting popular in Android applications development. I have already described a few days back about the Reactive Observable in RxJava. I would be recommended please check this post understanding Java 8 stream and Rx Observable in RxJava2. Today we will learn few very basic concept of RxJava which are using in android […]

Introduction of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Google IO 2017 has introduced the concept the AI, ML, and DL. Many developers are still not aware this concept. So in this tutorial, we will learn the basic concept of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Evidently, there is the high level of confusion around these terms. Let’s see meaning of individually. Artificial Intelligence: Any technique […]

Exploring ConstraintLayout in Android

Now a day ConstraintLayout is more popular to use in Android XML to build Android design better. I have seen many of my friends they are using the ConstraintLayout in XML for layout design. So in this tutorial, we will learn what is ConstraintLayout? Why is better from other layout and how to use better layout […]

Drag and drop item of recyclerview in android

Item drag and drop of RecylerView is the very cool feature in android. Drag and drop feature is the inbuilt feature of RecylerView. There are many external libraries are available to drag and drop item and swipe item position. But in this tutorial, I am explaining how to implement this awesome feature of RecylerViewwhich is […]

Firebase User Authentication in android

Firebase authentication in Android is one of the best features to connect users with your application. Firebase is actually cloud that provides the backend. Firebase has own API for communication for example signup and login. So today in this tutorial we will learn how to create a sign-up and sign-in for the user by using Firebase […]

Uplaod a file by using RxUploader in Android

RxUploader is reactive uploader for Android by using RxJava and OkHttp. Upload an image or file is widely used in an android application.  But uploading a file or image is not a simple task in android. We have to take care many things before upload. Generally, I would be recommended that upload a file should be […]

Upload a file by using retrofit in android

In this tutorial, we will learn how to upload a file on the server by using Retrofit.  Retrofit is the most popular for networking API call. It is very simple and cleaner way API call in the Android application. Retrofit used OkHttp request call which is extended and customized of Http request. Android developers love this because it is pretty simple and easy […]

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