Kotlin Coroutine to get started in Android app developement

Kotlin Coroutine to get started in Android app developement

As an Android developer, we know that every developer deals with thread in their application. A thread plays an important role in development for making the code execution faster and dispatching events easier etc. we all know that the Android system has categorized in two different thread named as the main thread (UI thread) and…

Understanding RxJava & RxAndroid Scheduler thread in Android

Understanding RxJava & RxAndroid Scheduler thread in Android

RxJava is the something like awesome when start using this feature in an Android application. In this article, we will talk about the RxJava scheduler or thread to use to build an awesome android application.  When we are talking about the multiple threads is good things to use for multiple background task. But same time you always…

Android MVVM architectural design pattern with RxJava in Kotlin

Android MVVM architectural design pattern with RxJava in Kotlin

To build an awesome android application, Architectural design pattern plays an important role. It makes our code modular and communication with different components becomes easy. By using Architectural design we can build an application which can be testable and maintainable easy in the future or whenever we want to add a new feature or remove a feature, it will…

MVP architectural design pattern with reactive Rx in android

MVP architectural design pattern with reactive Rx in android

This article is a step-by-step introduction to MVP on Android, from a simplest possible example to best practices. The very first question comes in every developer is that what is MVP? What is MVP: MVP stands for Model View Presenter. Let’s see what is meant of each aspect? View: View is a layer that displays data…

Exploring GreenDAO ORM database with Reactive RxJava in Android

Exploring GreenDAO ORM database with Reactive RxJava in Android

As we have the basic understanding of RxJava features and functions from my last posts. I would be recommended that checking the all the post of Rx to better understanding this post. Here are some of the posts of understanding of Java 8 stream and Rx Observables, and basic understanding and practice features and functions of RxJava, and…

Understanding Runtime permission and RxPermission of RxJava in Android part -3

Understanding Runtime permission and RxPermission of RxJava in Android part -3

As We have the basic understanding of RxJava features and function from the last post of basic of RxJava and RxJava2 Part-1 and basic of RxJava and RxBinding part-2. Rx is getting popular in Android application development because it gives the best result of reactive nature. In this series, we will learn some of new…

Understanding and practice of RxJava & RxBinding of Android part -2

Understanding and practice of RxJava & RxBinding of Android part -2

In my last tutorial, I have explained the basic functions and features of RxJava2. I would be recommended to check part -1 post before continue reading this post because it will help you to better understand this post. Here is my last post of  Basic understanding and practice of RxJava2 function in Android part -1. We…

Basic understanding and practice of RxJava2 functions in Android part -1

Basic understanding and practice of RxJava2 functions in Android part -1

No Doubt RxJava is getting popular in Android applications development. I have already described a few days back about the Reactive Observable in RxJava. I would be recommended please check this post understanding Java 8 stream and Rx Observable in RxJava2. Today we will learn few very basic concept of RxJava which are using in android…

Api call by using Retrofit, RxJava and RxAndroid in Kotlin Android

Api call by using Retrofit, RxJava and RxAndroid in Kotlin Android

In building the Android apps, Retrofit is the most popular for networking API call. It is very simple and cleaner way API call in the Android application. Retrofit used OkHttp request call which is extended and customized of Http request.  It gives much better performance in comparison with another library like Volley. Android developers love this because it…