
MVP architectural design pattern with reactive Rx in android

This article is a step-by-step introduction to MVP on Android, from a simplest possible example to best practices. The very first question comes in every developer is that what is MVP? What is MVP: MVP stands for Model View Presenter. Let’s see what is meant of each aspect? View: View is a layer that displays data […]

Exploring GreenDAO ORM database with Reactive RxJava in Android

As we have the basic understanding of RxJava features and functions from my last posts. I would be recommended that checking the all the post of Rx to better understanding this post. Here are some of the posts of understanding of Java 8 stream and Rx Observables, and basic understanding and practice features and functions of RxJava, and […]

Understanding Runtime permission and RxPermission of RxJava in Android part -3

As We have the basic understanding of RxJava features and function from the last post of basic of RxJava and RxJava2 Part-1 and basic of RxJava and RxBinding part-2. Rx is getting popular in Android application development because it gives the best result of reactive nature. In this series, we will learn some of new […]

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