Journey of Android Architecture Pattern and which pattern should developer prefer to use in android app developement

Journey of Android Architecture Pattern and which pattern should developer prefer to use in android app developement

As we all know that Android has started the beginning with Java as a primary language and that that time Java became a very popular language for web development because of its great feature like object-oriented robustness, platform independent and major is security compliance, etc. Many of the developer working on the server side and…

MVP architectural design pattern with reactive Rx in android

MVP architectural design pattern with reactive Rx in android

This article is a step-by-step introduction to MVP on Android, from a simplest possible example to best practices. The very first question comes in every developer is that what is MVP? What is MVP: MVP stands for Model View Presenter. Let’s see what is meant of each aspect? View: View is a layer that displays data…

MVP design pattern with Dagger2, Retrofit, Anko and RxJava in Kotlin Android

MVP design pattern with Dagger2, Retrofit, Anko and RxJava in Kotlin Android

MVP design pattern is the best design pattern in Android for building Android applications. We have already practiced MVP architecture design pattern in Android with Java library. If You are still not using this design pattern then I would be recommended to start using this pattern from today onwards. It solves the best code practice and…