Android Custom Data Binding Jetpack Component directly with XML View

Android Custom Data Binding Jetpack Component directly with XML View

As an Android developer, we are familiar with data binding concept. Data binding is a library to bind the data model directly to XML view in an easy and flexible way. I have already written a basic article on the binding concept. I would recommend to please check this post How to bind the Data…

Exploring UI Navigation Architecture JetPack Component of Android

Exploring UI Navigation Architecture JetPack Component of Android

From my last post, we have talked about the journey of Android architecture design. We have discussed the different -different (MVC, MVP, MVI, MVVM, and Jetpack) architectures pattern of Android to use to build a solid android application. I would recommend to go and check this article (Journey of Android Architecture Design pattern) which is…

Journey of Android Architecture Pattern and which pattern should developer prefer to use in android app developement

Journey of Android Architecture Pattern and which pattern should developer prefer to use in android app developement

As we all know that Android has started the beginning with Java as a primary language and that that time Java became a very popular language for web development because of its great feature like object-oriented robustness, platform independent and major is security compliance, etc. Many of the developer working on the server side and…