Android Jetpack Compose introduction and started with Hello layout

Android Jetpack Compose introduction and started with Hello layout

Hello all, In this article, we are going to explore the new Jetpack Compose library which is used to design the android user interface smartly. Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building native Android UI. Jetpack Compose simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android with less code, powerful tools, and intuitive Kotlin APIs. Use…

Exploring Android Jetpack Paging Library

Exploring Android Jetpack Paging Library

As we know Google has announced the new Jetpack feature for android application development. I have explained a few of them from the last articles like navigation through NavigationUI from Jetpack and this. I really love this Google change. I am continuing with some of the other awesome Jetpack feature libraries whose name is Pagination….

Android Jetpack BottomNavigationView to navigate by NavigationUI

Android Jetpack BottomNavigationView to navigate by NavigationUI

Last year Google has introduced a nice feature for navigation UI to make the fragment transition smooth and simpler. As an android developer, we all-knowing about the pain of fragment transaction which is very difficult to maintain the back stack. Now Google has improved the navigation by introducing the Navigation Controller to navigation easily. Navigation…

Exploring UI Navigation Architecture JetPack Component of Android

Exploring UI Navigation Architecture JetPack Component of Android

From my last post, we have talked about the journey of Android architecture design. We have discussed the different -different (MVC, MVP, MVI, MVVM, and Jetpack) architectures pattern of Android to use to build a solid android application. I would recommend to go and check this article (Journey of Android Architecture Design pattern) which is…

Journey of Android Architecture Pattern and which pattern should developer prefer to use in android app developement

Journey of Android Architecture Pattern and which pattern should developer prefer to use in android app developement

As we all know that Android has started the beginning with Java as a primary language and that that time Java became a very popular language for web development because of its great feature like object-oriented robustness, platform independent and major is security compliance, etc. Many of the developer working on the server side and…