Exploring Koin Dependency Injection in Android and Kotlin

Exploring Koin Dependency Injection in Android and Kotlin

As an Android developer, we all are familiar with dependency injection. Dependency Injection provides an alternative way of Object instantiation. You do not worry about the constructor with a different type of argument. It will be qualified based on the required argument. We have already used one of the very popular dependency injector Dagger2. If…

New Dagger2 Integration with Android Architecture component

New Dagger2 Integration with Android Architecture component

In my last tutorial, we had functioned with Dagger2 in android application development. Dagger 2 is an awesome dependency injection library which provides the alternative way of Object instantiation. I already explained what is Dagger2 and why we are using this in android application development and what are the benefits of using this? Here is the detail…