How to convert any callback to Coroutines and use them in Kotlin Android?

How to convert any callback to Coroutines and use them in Kotlin Android?

Hello everyone, In this article, we are going to learn something to handle the callback by using Kotlin Coroutines. As we are already familiar with Coroutines in my earlier post here get started Coroutines. Alright, then let’s started to learn about the deal with callback in coroutines.  In android, we mostly use the UseCase to…

Kotlin Coroutine to get started in Android app developement

Kotlin Coroutine to get started in Android app developement

As an Android developer, we know that every developer deals with thread in their application. A thread plays an important role in development for making the code execution faster and dispatching events easier etc. we all know that the Android system has categorized in two different thread named as the main thread (UI thread) and…