Exploring Koin Dependency Injection in Android and Kotlin

Exploring Koin Dependency Injection in Android and Kotlin

As an Android developer, we all are familiar with dependency injection. Dependency Injection provides an alternative way of Object instantiation. You do not worry about the constructor with a different type of argument. It will be qualified based on the required argument. We have already used one of the very popular dependency injector Dagger2. If…

Android MVVM architectural design pattern with RxJava in Kotlin

Android MVVM architectural design pattern with RxJava in Kotlin

To build an awesome android application, Architectural design pattern plays an important role. It makes our code modular and communication with different components becomes easy. By using Architectural design we can build an application which can be testable and maintainable easy in the future or whenever we want to add a new feature or remove a feature, it will…

LiveData and LifeCycle Component in Android Architecture

LiveData and LifeCycle Component in Android Architecture

In this tutorial, we will learn the new architecture component LiveData and LifeCycle in detail. In my last tutorial, we had familiar with new Dagger2 integration with android architecture component. I would be recommended to check this post that will help you to understand the New Dagger2 dependency injection concept. Here is the post detail New Dagger2 dependency injection…