Basic of Kotlin to get started in Android Part-5

Basic of Kotlin to get started in Android Part-5

Kotlin is an awesome language which is implemented by JetBrains. We have practiced many features of Kotlin to build the awesome android application quickly in our last post. If you want to learn how to quick start to using Kotlin language for building Android application. So do not worry I am here to help you. I would…

MVP design pattern with Dagger2, Retrofit, Anko and RxJava in Kotlin Android

MVP design pattern with Dagger2, Retrofit, Anko and RxJava in Kotlin Android

MVP design pattern is the best design pattern in Android for building Android applications. We have already practiced MVP architecture design pattern in Android with Java library. If You are still not using this design pattern then I would be recommended to start using this pattern from today onwards. It solves the best code practice and…

Integration of Anko Sqlite database in Kotlin Android

Integration of Anko Sqlite database in Kotlin Android

Anko is the SQLite database wrapper for Android in Kotlin. As we have used many best SQLite database wrapper in android java library. For example, we have practiced with Green Dao, Active Android, and ORMLite. I would recommend to please check those wrappers if you still using Java for Android development. These wrappers are still good…

Api call by using Retrofit, RxJava and RxAndroid in Kotlin Android

Api call by using Retrofit, RxJava and RxAndroid in Kotlin Android

In building the Android apps, Retrofit is the most popular for networking API call. It is very simple and cleaner way API call in the Android application. Retrofit used OkHttp request call which is extended and customized of Http request.  It gives much better performance in comparison with another library like Volley. Android developers love this because it…

Basic of Kotlin to get started in android Part-4

Basic of Kotlin to get started in android Part-4

As we have practiced basic features of Kotlin in my last tutorial series of basic of Kotlin to get started on Android. If you haven’t checked yet then I would be recommended for checking all my posts here. Basic of Kotlin to get started in Android part-1 and Basic of Kotlin to get started in Android part-2 and Basic…

Basic of Kotlin to get started in android Part-3

Basic of Kotlin to get started in android Part-3

In my last tutorial, we understood basic introduction about Kotlin and basic features to get a quick start building an Android application. In this series, we will learn about of Classes and Objects in Kotlin. Sounds good 🙂 But before if you have not checked my last tutorial then I would be recommended checking my all…

Basic of Kotlin to get started in android Part-2

Basic of Kotlin to get started in android Part-2

In my last tutorial, we have learned the basic introduction about Kotlin. Kotlin is inspired by C#, Groovy, and Scala language. I recommend you to please check my last post-Basic of Kotlin to get started in android part-1. Google I/O 2017 announced that Kotlin will be the official language for Android development. This is great news…

Basic of Kotlin to get started in android Part-1

Basic of Kotlin to get started in android Part-1

Kotlin is the new language based on JVM. It is taken the good parts of java. When I am talking about the good parts, it means to eliminate the boilerplate code and given better object orientated programming. As we know that Java is also Object oriented programming.  Kotlin is allowing the functional programming also. It…